
Brian is a true outdoor enthusiast from Mammoth Lakes, California. Together with his best friend Mitchell, they shared a common love for the pristine alpine lakes that dotted the landscape. Their passion for paddleboarding grew with each adventure, and they dreamed of sharing the magic of paddleboarding with others. Inspired by their shared love for the outdoors, they decided to turn their dream into a reality by starting their own business.

Brian's commitment to sustainability was reflected in their selection of high-quality paddleboards made from eco-friendly materials. He also invested in safety equipment to ensure the utmost safety of their customers. As their business, "Sierra Paddle Co," took shape, Brian put his heart and soul into building a brand that reflected their values of adventure, community, and environmental stewardship.

Brian's infectious enthusiasm and personalized service quickly gained a reputation as the go-to paddleboard expert in Mammoth Lakes. Their guided tours became highly sought after by tourists and locals alike. Brian and Mitchell's dedication paid off, and Sierra Paddle Co became a thriving success. Brian and Mitchell's hard work and passion had created a legacy that would endure for generations to come.

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Book Your Paddleboarding Adventure Today!

Fill out the form below to reserve your paddleboard rental or tour with Eastern Sierra Paddleboards. Our friendly team will be in touch to confirm your reservation and help you plan your unforgettable paddleboarding adventure in Mammoth Lakes, Bishop, or Lee Vining.